Manufacturing in Penang

Michel Van Crombrugge, Country Manager Paramit Malaysia

Posted March 19th, 2018

What makes Malaysia an optimal offshore manufacturing site?

Penang and its well-established electronics industry offer several advantages:  concentrated technical expertise; strong supply chain elements (supplier base, IT infrastructure, logistics); relatively low costs; British-based legal system that provides important assurances, i.e., Intellectual Property (IP) protections; and free trade zone benefits, such as tax-free imports and exports of manufacturing goods.

How has Paramit’s new facility affected the surrounding community?

The plant has been well-received by those in government, business, and in the public domain – both for the employment opportunities it offers, as well as for its energy-efficient design. Interest in joining Paramit is high, and we’re working to develop and retain local talent. The site’s eco-friendly architecture is also seen as a model for future building endeavors.

What makes Malaysia different from other world regions you’ve worked in?

The area’s unique cultural mix (Chinese, Tamils, and Malays) makes for a workforce with wide-ranging strengths, including everything from being business savvy and industrious to focused and highly trainable. Overall, the environment is very business friendly, and many are eager to help promote economic growth.

What is the single greatest environmental challenge you face in Malaysia?


According to ResearchGate, 85 of Malaysia’s 189 river basins are prone to recurrent flooding due to monsoon rains. Efforts to improve drainage in urban areas are an important part of the solution.

What interesting insights can you share about yourself that we’re not able to see in your professional bio?

In addition to the fact that I love being out in nature (hiking, sailing, running), I always strive to be open and honest. I’m told my face typically reveals what’s cooking inside.

Michel Van Crombrugge joined Paramit in 2016, bringing with him 30 years of experience in EMS, High-Tech, and Electronics Industries, along with extensive experience working in multi-cultural and international environments, including Belgium, U.S., Mexico, Hong Kong, Austria and Malaysia. We’d like to extend a special “thank you” to Michel for his time and for leaving us with this particularly instructive thought:

“A problem well-stated is a problem half-solved.”